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Thursday, May 14, 2009

- random stuff :


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Mugen Activated at 9:20 PM

Saturday, April 18, 2009

- SYF09 bronze... :

WAD THE FUCK?! our syf choir actually recieved a bronze award!!!! its like IMPOSSIBLE!! i mean.. we always get a silver and now... a bronze?! impossible, dispicable. ):): now our whole choris fucking pissed because of the syf thingy. firstly, we got the song order mixed up.. so it was said that they deducted 10 marks off just like that!!! WOAT?! secondly, jallanzzz dropped his phone on the stage while picking some shit up. it was "BOOM!" then we all looked. so i guess that it ruined the whole image and that got us another 10 marks or 5.. i guess.. fuck him. anw, thirgly, the sops got on the qing jiang he song with the wrong note!! wad the fuck. and the worst part was that my conductor mr goh had high fever while conducting on friday!! its NOT fair! right now, i just wanna go up and hug him and say we're sorry. his soo cute :):) LOL. we really dissapointed our cute conductor >>> sad. after hearing the results everyone in the choir became emo. yes, even the conductors. thats so sad. to add on to the burden, we realize that loyang sec ( the sch that sang everything out of tune ) recieved a silver. ANd that ONLY PROOFS ONE THING >>>> the standards for this years syf is not even high at all... LOL. mrs poon lied to us. and to add on to it more.. we are the only few choirs to get a bronze. IT SUCKZ!! fuck all that accidents la.. if all this didn't happen, we would be happy and dancing now.. we would alr recieve a GOLD or a SILVER!! but no.... fucked up.

Mugen Activated at 7:23 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009

- our choir recieved a BRONZE T.T :

WHAT THE FUCK!!?? our choir recieved a bronze for the recent Syf 09? its LIKE IMPOSSIBLE!!! i am so fucking pissed and emo and sad at the same time.. COz firstly, we prepared so hard to get a silver but we were no where near there. secondly, during the performance, the song order was in the wrong order... so it was said that we deducted 10 marks off... T.T thirdly, my senior, jalanz dropped his phone during the performance which costed us another load of marks.. T.O fourth, when the results were announced, there were so many choirs that got gold with honours ( GWH ) and alot of silvers... but VERY LITTLE BRONZE!! if those two fucking ACCIDENTS wouldn't happen, we would have gotten a strong silver. coz if we got a bronze with all those accidents, it meant that our singing was still a silver standed.. the bronze only happened coz of those two accident. WHYY???!! and there were hardly any bronze choirs this YEAR!! i mean, their standards were high this year but yet so many choirs got a silver or a GWH!!!! WTS!! but the fault dosen't lies in how the choir sings it. it LIES in those two accident. you noe wad?! before the SYF, i prayed that we could get a gold or a silver. and i hoped that a miracle would happen. but the worse is yet to come... loyang secondary got a silver and they were TOTALLY out of tune. which means that we could have gotten a silver. coz we were way better then them.!! that was a miracle. and mayflower secondary? THEY GOT A GOLD!! i mean, they're like us. and their discipline weren't there at all!! so in conclusion...

****the standards of this year SYF is not even high at all.. it was the same as 2 years before. so the problem lies in that two accidents. **** why? WHY? must the miracle be on other choirs?****

Mugen Activated at 6:31 PM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

- lolx. :

i feel soo stupid. and happy! i just came back from camp like 1 week ago and it WAS AWESOMEEEEE> 3 i enjoyed myself too much. and its weird coz i miss everycamp like millions. hahahahahhaa. anyway, i love camp. basically because i am in matt goh's group!! WOOTS and the group has all my FREWNS! woo! and it will be my permenant cg next year...... WHAT THE! OMNG when i heard that i was overwhelmed! woo! again with my frewns and only them! woots! but the sad part is that ( every news has a sad part to it :( ) matt is not taking us next year. omgomgomgomgomg! i mean he is like the BOMB. i mean he is soo awesome that he is just awesome. xD i mean it people. O.O he has great potential and stuff. but his not taking us for next year. SCREW IT. but sherwn and sharon ( SS ) will. and i am not quite sure whether i'll lke them, haha.
during the camp i learned soo much. and i reunited with matt chan again after 1 year. hee. he became a pro when it came to pianoing and music . i was mesmerized. and there was aanother matt but his name is mathew caluanan. haha. flilipinos... they are soo darn cool. he speaks JAP! omg, like how cool is that. :P yea... i had an awesome time. and christmas is coming! WOOTS, and dun very much like my MHS group. haha. xD

Mugen Activated at 5:31 AM

Thursday, October 30, 2008

- i might do a duet with zenOx :

oh my gosh. i feel soo lame today. like, yesterday, i went on to youtube. and searched lame videos of people singing "the prayer". then i stumble unto this guy called "zenOx" he sang the prayer.. and i thouht that he was great. so i typed something like i am from singapore and would like to do a duet, ( not literally saying " would you like to do a duet." not. i formed it in a nother way. ) aniwae... so he replied like a few hours later saying. doing a duet with you would be awesome, i saw your vids and i really loved it. so like.. he said that. but how was i to do a duet with him? his from the philipins. but he said that he'll try to arrange something out. hee. so stupid of me to say that. but that guy has a great voice and has great looks. so... i might do a duet with him. i am excited! :) sooo cool! @_@ :)

Mugen Activated at 6:46 AM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

- i'm sick, and my dads a idiot angry old fashion maker. :

i feel soooo darn sick. like, it was a normal flu. and i then it got quite serious. and now i have like asthma and alot of disgusting flaghm. shit. and now i can't breathe. eww... aniwae. just about a moment ago, my fucking father actually scolded me and said that i did not love my mother. WTF?!!
i was like ( in my heart ), oh shut the fucking bitch hell of a bitch of a mother up. oh gosh! i mean like he said that becoz i was just joking with my mother. for like, i mean, i was just playing with her. then he fucking came in n fucking scolded me!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh,
i was soooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOOoOOOoO pissed off and fucking angry.

Mugen Activated at 5:30 AM

Monday, October 13, 2008


oh my gosh!!! my results are horrible! i mean like its like a tonado wiping out singapore! thats what my results are like! tell me about it. my day didn't go well... at all. when we got back our science paper.. i was like. no way... you gotta be kidding. this is sooo cheesy! i hate it! i got like a horrible freaking 20/30! this is out of my mind! its soo low! i mean like there was this guy in my class. you see, he was from the normal technical stream and then transfered to my class. i was always the smarters in my class until he came. ( well, he blown me away only today, ) his name is yao wei and he actually got a 27/30! and he was the highest! WHAT THE H***!! i ENVY him and i am pissed freaking ditchy off! gosh! what happened to me. and other people got a good score. and i was like. this is the final examinations.. and i was like science is my good subject.. AND HE ACTUALLY CRUSHED ME! CRUSHED M3! he got a 24 for his other paper of science and i again got a 20 but added with a lowsy 1/2 mark. FREAK i am pissed off by him. he is soooo bitchy. i dislike him today. but his my fren. isn't it ironic? oh well. and my chinese!!!!!!!
I FAILED terribly. I HAVE TO SAY THIS : sry ye lao shi. i dissapointed you.
shes my chinese tutor. and i have dissapointed her. oh well. i didn't get 1st for art but a good 66.
a B. sucked it. gosh. i am becoming stupider! kill me.. please. i passed my history.

Mugen Activated at 6:32 AM